Earth conscious Body Care!

Maharajgunj-4, Kathmandu


Essential Oils

Essential Oils are highly aromatic distillate from the steam of a hydro distillation column.  The plant material is loaded into a bottom tray within the column.  Next, a heated water evaporator forces hot steam to rise and extracts the essence of the plant material into the rising water vapor. At the top of the column the heated vapor is cooled in a condenser and the extract produced is known as an essential oil.  These derived essential oils are highly volatile, evaporating quickly and readily.

It is important to realize that pure essential oils are created from various parts of the plant including bark, berries, leaves and roots.  The vitamins and natural oils of the plants are contained in the steam distillate and thus the therapeutic properties of the plant are contained in the essential oil. Since mostly living plant matter is used, the essential oils can contain natural antimicrobial, immune enhancing, and pain relieving properties of the respective plants. The plant world is vast and numerous properties can be achieved by producing the essential oil of the many plants for use in customs and traditions such as Ayurveda.

Essential Oil

Vata Essential Oil Blend

Our Vata Essential Oil Blend has been formulated with Ayurvedic herbs to promote inner harmony by di...

Essential Oil

Kapha Essential Oil Blend

Our Kapha Essential Oil Blend has been formulated with Ayurvedic herbs to energize, uplift and invig...

Essential Oil

Pitta Essential Oil Blend

Our Pitta Essential Oil Blend has been formulated with Ayurvedic herbs to calm, cool and balance. Th...

Essential Oil

Yogi Mountain Forest Pure Essential Oil Blend

Whole Earth Herbs Mountain Forest essential oil blend is made up of six alpine forest oils from Nepa...

Essential Oil

Yogi Sandalwood Oil

Yogi Sandalwood Oil is one of the world's oldest perfume materials, and is primarily used for incens...

Essential Oil

Yogini Lilac Lavender Oil

The combination of pure lilac and lavender oil has not one but many medicinal benefits. It acts as a...

Essential Oil

Yogini Jasmine Oil

In ancient South Indian devotional poetry, the presence of the divine is symbolized as the lingering...

Essential Oil

Passion Pure Essential Oil Blend

An aphrodisiac blend to stimulate and arouse both male and female energies. This blend can help to p...

Essential Oil

Tranquility Pure Essential Oil Blend

Surrender your tensions with soothing and mind-purifying scents. This oil blend will help to relax, ...

Essential Oil

Hangover Pure Essential Oil Blend

Ease the morning-after blues with our Hangover oil for purification and mental alertness. This oil b...

Essential Oil

Energy Pure Essential Oil Blend

Different oils specially blended to promote clarity, concentration and energy renewal. This blend ca...